By Prof. Luke Mendes

The new earth will have harmony among species. Humans will see the Divine in Creation. All Species that went extinct, through some Divine purpose, will return, and the Earth will be filled with Divine creation once again. Humans will have their ego’s in check, they will learn from the birds, trees, fish, animals and insects. They will see the magic in them, and then only humans will start living a magical life.
The Divine beings or master race will visit us and there will be no corruption in the hearts and minds of the human race against the master races. Human won’t lust after them and will respect the master races. The master races will guide and protect humankind from the evil intentions of other intergalactic races. The earth will then resonate as a guide and healing power for the rest of the solar system and Universe.
On Earth, there will be no pride, there will be only love and harmony. Humans will not need to kill to survive. The Divine will set aside new laws of existence. The Lion will not have to hunt, the fish will not be eaten, but celebrated. All creatures will communicate with all. We will be able to hear the Divine communication through them.
The Divine is unseen and unfathomable, hence through the Divine creation we will see the face of the Divine and understand the Divine as per our requirement as a collective whole.
There will be no Death. Just transformation or travel to the source, the sacred Void, the Creator. Life will bloom as Divinely ordained. There will be no pain, no suffering, only joy and happiness. Old structures will be removed, new structures built with esoteric wisdom for the moment, will be the current undertaking.
The new earth, will be in direct Unison with the Divine and the master races.
How will we know love if there is no hate, How will we know life if there is no death.
How will we know beauty if there is no ugliness?
We will know it all because the human race has genetic memory of the great fall from grace of the Divine. This genetic memory will create the horrific references in the hearts and minds to keep humanity genetically away from those ills / sins. The program will be so strong that even if you wanted to put your finger in your eye, your eyelid will shut naturally as programmed. The same is with negative human behaviour.
The New Earth will invite intergalactic tech to help heal the other planets and heal their sentient systems and sentient beings. The multiverse and omni verses will have activity of only positive interactions. Humans will then be truly living the Divinely ordained life.
This is only possible if we all have the right intention of coming together to save our Paradise, our home, planet earth and her sentient systems and sentient beings. When the intention is established and steps taken towards it, then the Divine interaction will initiate the beginning of New earth.